Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru
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Autor:  JoseClaudioEscortSW [ 10 zář 2014 15:40 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

I was doing a maintenance in my Escort SW Zetec 16V 1.8 (MK7) and found out that at the bottom of the admission collector there is some liquid (I don't know what is). I have already verified the pressure regulator valve and there is no leakage. I got out for a ride and opened the TBI again and the liquid was still there. Some idea of what possibly is happening? Thanks

Dělal jsem údržbu v mém Escort SW Zetec 16V 1,8 (MK7) a zjistil, že ve spodní části kolektoru přijímacího tam je nějaká kapalina (nevím, co je). Už jsem ověřil regulátoru tlaku ventil a nedochází k úniku. Dostal jsem se na jízdu a znovu otevřel TBI a kapalina tam stále byl. Nějaký nápad, co možná se to děje? Děkuji

Autor:  Wizzy [ 11 zář 2014 07:55 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

Which connector do you mean? Can you take a picture?
Does the liquid smell like gas, cooling fluid, oil, brake fluid, windscreen washer? Is it green like air condition cooling medium? Is it greasu or based on water? There are many options.. ;-)

Autor:  Wizzy [ 11 zář 2014 08:28 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

You mean air manifold maybe? When you remove the throttle body and look inside, there is liquid down there?
If so, calm down, it is just a little amount of oil. It gets there through the crankshaft chamber and camshaft lid breathers. It is normal.
There is overpressure in the crankshaft chamber and under the camshaft lid thanks to the leakage of exhaust gas through piston rings, valve sealing, and so on.. Even the gas, which remains on the cylinder walls, especially when the engine is not warmed up, gets douwn to the oil in the crankshat chamber. When the engine warms up, it evaporates out of the oil and adds its part to the overpressure under pistons. This overpressure must get out somehow, so the engineers made breathers (rubber pipes), which leads into the air manifold - to burn this evaporate gases in cylinders (and make the ecologists happy). Moving crankshaft and camshaft in oil makes very small drops of oil, even oil mist in crankshaft chamber or under the camshaft lid - and this oil mist gets through the breathers to the cool air manifold, where it condestates and make a small pool of oil, which worries you so much.
As I said, small amount of the oil is perfectly normal. When there would be half a pint of oil, it would be a sign your engine is not in very good condition, rubber valve seals would be a subject to change for new ones, maybe piston rings as well, if the change of valve seals wouldnot help.
But Zetec engine is almost immortal, if you do not tease him in high rews when not warmed up, it will run for thousands of kilometers without any problem.

Autor:  JoseClaudioEscortSW [ 17 zář 2014 02:06 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

Thank you, Wizzy for your explanation. Now I can calm down, even though some mechanics down here worried me saying this was not normal...

Autor:  JoseClaudioEscortSW [ 17 zář 2014 02:18 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

By the way, probably I will need to open the engine because it is producing a noise like a tec, tec, tec, that speeds up when the engine is accelerated. A mechanic told me the problem would be the connecting rods. And so I'll need a table of torque applicable to this engine (Zetec 1.8/16V/1997). Do you know any site where I can get this table? Thank you!

Mimochodem, asi budu muset otevřít motor, protože to produkuje zvuk, jako by tec Smlouvy o ES, Smlouvy o ES, který urychluje, když je motor zrychlil.Mechanik mi řekl, že by byl problém ojnicemi. A tak budu potřebovat tabulku točivého momentu se vztahuje na tento motor (Zetec 1,8 / 16V / 1997). Znáte nějaké stránky, kde bych mohl získat tuto tabulku? Děkuji vám!

Autor:  Wizzy [ 29 zář 2014 12:21 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Re: Kapalina ve spodní části přijímacího kolektoru

It is very hard to say what make this noise in your engine being half a world away. But considering your mechanical guy knows his job and knows what he is speaking about it might be true. But before opening your engine take look in the oil. If there are small metal pices, there is very high probability that camshaft or rods are damaged. Could be done by running the engine without oil, timing belt snapped or some destructive event like this. Before opening the engine, try to remove oil sump and try to move with crankshaft and rods, if there are any backlashes - the shouldn't be.

I'm not sure, if it is economical to repair an engine with damaged crankshaft or rods. It's cheaper to get another one from scrapyard. But if you want to repair your engine, i suggest to get a book frm Mr. Etzold in your native language (Czech one wouldn't help you much I guess..)
Or try to get a TIS program - there are also step-by-step repair manuals.

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