pri nedavném lapalii jsem potřeboval tyto informace abych vedel jake hodnoty maji bejt na vackach, kdyby náhodou někdo z vás mel časovaci kolo a uchylkomer a vedel neco vic nez ja o tom jak se to pocita byl bych fakt vdecnej za radu nebo pomoc - vratil jsem puvodni BOA vacky ale nemeril jsem to a ted po odstraneni zavady nefunkcnich vstriku uz by to kua melo ject takze mam podezreni na spatne casovani
motory V6
Valve timing. inlet opens BTDC 8°
Valve timing. inlet closes ABDC 62°
Duration: 250
Valve timing. Exhaust opens 60° BBDC
valve timing. Exhaust closes 20° ATDC
Duration: 260
Overlap= 28
lift height: 9 mm for exhaust and intake.
Valve timing. inlet opens BTDC 8°
Valve timing. inlet closes ABDC 62°
Duration: 250
Valve timing. Exhaust opens 56° BBDC
valve timing. Exhaust closes 14° ATDC
Duration: 250
Overlap= 22
lift height: 9.5 mm for exhaust and intake
motory R4
YB Cams
BD8 (
STD 1)
Valve timing. inlet opens BTDC 6°
Valve timing. inlet closes ABDC 55°
Duration: 241
Valve timing. Exhaust opens 50° BBDC
valve timing. Exhaust closes 11° ATDC
Duration: 241
Overlap= 17
lift height: 8.5 mm for exhaust and intake.
Ford Escort Cossie
STD 2Valve timing. inlet opens BTDC 8°
Valve timing. inlet closes ABDC 52°
Duration: 241
Valve timing. Exhaust opens 52° BBDC
valve timing. Exhaust closes 8° ATDC
Duration: 240
Overlap= 16
lift height: 8.544 mm for exhaust and intake.
info ke stazeni najdete zde: ...nefunguje na IE6 ...sorry